Sunday, June 24, 2012

Gearing Up For a New School Year

Yes, I am in the midst of my summer vacation. I can't help but to think of the next school year and what I would like to do to improve my instruction. Also, my team is going back to a self-contained class, so I will be teaching all subjects this year not just Math and Science. Therefore, I have picked out a few titles to read in between throwing the baseball with my four-year-old and running with my husband. I have pictures of them below. Have you read any of these titles? What did you take away from these texts and implement in your classroom?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer! Just found your blog. I saw you were looking for ideas on the books you listed. There is a book study going on with upper el. teachers on The Daily Five. It will be followed by The Cafe book. The info is on if your interested.
    Learning in Bliss
